LeiOut Home Forums 2022 Matchmaker MMP and FMP looking for team (club level)

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    • Ellen
      Post count: 254

      We are an FMP and MMP pair that would like to join a Lei Out team. We both play mixed club in Madison, WI.
      Ellen (FMP) played for NOISE, NC Toro, Nashville Nightshade and Raleigh Radiance (PUL).
      Kevin (MMP) played for Mastodon and Northwestern.
      We are looking to have some spirited competition in lovely California. (BONUS: Kevin is a CA native and can help with team housing.)
      Please reach out with any questions, we look forward to meeting you 🙂

    • Sherry
      Post count: 254

      My team can take you. Send me an email: [email protected]

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